§1 With the purchase you automatically accept the T0S §2 Anyone who pays with PayPal buyer protection on purpose or what is described in the description as "Valorant Chair 1 Month" will be permanently banned. §3 The exact amount of money must be sent otherwise the product will not be awarded. §3.1 The price remains the same and is not negotiated down. §4 Refunds only work when it is possible. §4.1 Refunds are only possible with proofs and then only if something doesn't work at all. §5 If you are too stupid to read the instructions, it is your own fault and will be ignored. Unless it's another error that isn't in the instruction §6 We are not responsible if you get a game ban for any product. §6.1 If you were banned by one of our products you can simply open a ticket in and ask what could be the reason. Anyone who doesn't do this and therefore writes something like this directly into every chat: "Chair is detected", "Shitty ass Chair". Will be permanently banned. §7 no vouches no refund no support! §7,9 If you have purchased a server boost and it does not last for 3 months, you will not receive a refund or a new boost as you are buying below the value! §8 24h no respond from you = ticket closed §9 Blacklisted accounts/keys will NOT be refunded. §9,8 Keys that have already been used will not be refunded. §10 Payments with Paypal must only be sent via Friends & Family with no message. Failure to comply may result in neither receiving the product nor the money. §10,6 If we get scammed by our supplier, your money and ours is gone and there are no refunds! §11 With every purchase, you automatically accept the Terms of Service. §12 Multiple pings in tickets and chat will result in a timeout or ban without refund. §13 For all accounts offered here, the rule applies: No refunds or exchanges to a new account!